
「PHENICX-Anechoic: note annotations for Aalto anechoic orchestral database | Music Technology Group」「useful for tasks as score-informed source separation, score following, multi-pitch estimation, transcription or instrument detection」


「PHENICX-Anechoic: note annotations for Aalto anechoic orchestral database | Music Technology Group」

This dataset includes audio and annotations useful for tasks as score-informed source separation, score following, multi-pitch estimation, transcription or instrument detection, in the context of symphonic music.

This dataset was presented and used in the evaluation of:

M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016))"

We provide the associated musical note onset and offset annotations, and the Roomsim[3] configuration files used to generate the multi-microphone recordings [1].

[1] M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016)

We created a ground truth score, by hand annotating the notes played by the instruments. The annotation process involved gathering the original scores in MIDI format, performing an initial automatic audio-to-score alignment, then manually aligning each instrument track separately with the guidance of a monophonic pitch estimation.


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