
「At Sibelius software, the last staff turn out the lights」 む,Sibelius は終わっちゃうのか?


「At Sibelius software, the last staff turn out the lights」

August 1, 2012 By Norman Lebrecht
The UK office was shut down last night. The software has been put in deep-freeze by its owners, Avid, who refuse to sell it back to the founders. Here’s what you can do, according to users and defenders of a great British invention.
Dear Sibelians,Yesterday the sacked Sibelius programmers walked out of the London Headquarters for the last time.

knoike / Kenzi NOIKE
む,Sibelius は終わっちゃうのか? QT At Sibelius software, the last staff turn out the lights: http://t.co/JG5Ey9zq at 08/02 16:25

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