「The Last.fm Dataset」
Welcome to the Last.fm dataset, the official song tag and song similarity dataset of the Million Song Dataset.
The MSD team is proud to partner with Last.fm in order to bring you the largest research collection of song-level tags and precomputed song-level similarity. All the data is associated with MSD tracks, which makes it easy to link it to other MSD resources: audio features, artist data, lyrics, etc.
Some numbers
Before you read the full description, you might want to know that the Last.fm dataset is big. How big?
943,347 matched tracks MSD <-> Last.fm
505,216 tracks with at least one tag
584,897 tracks with at least one similar track
522,366 unique tags
8,598,630 (track - tag) pairs
56,506,688 (track - similar track) pairs
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