「Updated MusicXML sample files available」
The MusicXML sample files at the Recordare site have now all been
updated to MusicXML 2.0 format, exported using the latest Finale 2011
and/or Dolet 5 for Finale software. These sample files are available
The updates include new MusicXML 2.0 versions of the examples from the
Beyond MIDI book. In the past these examples have been left in
MusicXML 1.0 format due to lack of access to full-size images with the
necessary formatting information. CCARH has now made high-resolution
versions of these examples available from their site at:
We have asked for permission to redistribute the higher-resolution
images from our site. In the meantime, the lower-resolution versions
are still available as part of the sample set.
ここ何年かチェックできていないけれども,MusicXML to MP3 で誤変換を起こしているのは,なんとなく気づいている.
というか,Reference Impl. である Dolet の export/import が,仕様と比べたときに,なんとなくアヤシイ.
多くのひとは,Dolet(しかも,ほとんどが Dolet for Finale)が export する MusicXML が仕様どおりだと仮定して,ときにそこから仕様を推測してなんらかの実装をしてしまっていることが多くて,それに合わせるべきなのか,本来の仕様どおりにすべきなのか,私は迷う.
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