use CGI;
require 'knlib.pl';
require 'xport.pl';
# Main
my $form = new CGI;
$cmd = $form->param('cmd');
$on_off[0] = $form->param('on_off0');
$on_off[1] = $form->param('on_off1');
$on_off[2] = $form->param('on_off2');
@item_name= (
$htmldata = "";
$htmldata .= knlib::get_html("Header_np.html");
# 出力/入力設定を "出力" に設定
if (xport::get_direction(0) != 0x07) {
$htmldata .= "set dir: " . xport::set_direction(0, 0x07) . "
# "On" にしたときに,ロジック "H" になるように設定
if (xport::get_activeHL(0) != 0x07) {
$htmldata .= "set HL: " . xport::get_activeHL(0, 0x07) . "
# コマンド実行
if ($cmd eq "exec"){
for (my $i=0; $i < 3; $i++){
if ($on_off[$i] eq "on"){
if (xport::get_on_off_stat($i+1, 0) == 0x00) {
xport::set_on_off_stat($i+1, 1);
if (xport::get_on_off_stat($i+1, 0) != 0x00) {
xport::set_on_off_stat($i+1, 0);
# 現在状態を表示
# 現在時刻
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
$nowtime = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
$htmldata .= $nowtime . "
$htmldata .= "";
$htmldata .= knlib::get_html("Footer.html");
# HTTP ヘッダを付加して HTML を出力する
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
# print "Content-type: text/html; charset=EUC-JP\n\n";
print "Content-length: ", length($htmldata), "\n";
# print "Content-length: ", 1504, "\n";
print "\n"; # 改行 2 個は,HTTP ヘッダの終わりで必須
print $htmldata;
package xport;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
# my @ds0 = (0x11, 0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00);
# my $sRes = con(@ds0);
# my @ds0;
# print &get_direction(0) . "\n";
# print &set_direction(0, 0x07) . "\n";
# print &get_activeHL(0) . "\n";
# print &get_on_off_stat(0) . "\n";
# print &set_on_off_stat(1, 1) . "\n";
# print &get_on_off_stat(0) . "\n";
# print &set_on_off_stat(0, 0) . "\n";
# exit;
sub exec_cmd {
(my $cmd, my $port, my $stat) = @_ ;
my $cmd_port = $port;
my $cmd_stat = $stat;
if ($port == 0) {
$cmd_port = 0x07;
}elsif ($port == 1) {
$cmd_port = 0x01;
}elsif ($port == 2) {
$cmd_port = 0x02;
}elsif ($port == 3) {
$cmd_port = 0x04;
$cmd_port = 0x00;
if ($stat != 0) {
$cmd_stat = $cmd_port;
my $sRes = con(($cmd, $cmd_port,0x00,0x00,0x00, $cmd_stat,0x00,0x00,0x00));
# return unpack("H*", $sRes);
# return unpack("x1H2", $sRes);
$stat = unpack("x1H2", $sRes);
if ($port != 0){
if ($stat & $cmd_port) {
return 1;
return 0;
return $stat;
sub get_direction {
(my $port) = @_ ;
return xport::exec_cmd(0x11, $port, 0x00);
sub set_direction {
(my $port, my $stat) = @_ ;
return xport::exec_cmd(0x19, $port, $stat);
sub get_activeHL {
(my $port) = @_ ;
return xport::exec_cmd(0x12, $port, 0x00);
sub set_activeHL {
(my $port, my $stat) = @_ ;
return xport::exec_cmd(0x1a, $port, $stat);
sub get_on_off_stat {
(my $port) = @_ ;
return xport::exec_cmd(0x13, $port, 0x00);
sub set_on_off_stat {
(my $port, my $stat) = @_ ;
return xport::exec_cmd(0x1b, $port, $stat);
# 送受信
sub con
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => '30704',
Proto => 'tcp');
$sock->send(pack('C*', @_));
my $res;
read($sock, $res, 5);
return $res;
あー,やっぱり <code> で囲むだけだと,インデントが悲惨なことになるなぁ.
あと,コード中のいくつかの HTML タグが HTML タグとして働いちゃうので,それの影響もあるなぁ.
<pre> が使えれば,もうちょっとマシなんだけどなぁ.
google-code-prettify を,仕込めるものなら仕込みたいなぁ.
ColdFire で,これをやるとしたら
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