This dataset includes audio and annotations useful for tasks as score-informed source separation, score following, multi-pitch estimation, transcription or instrument detection, in the context of symphonic music.
This dataset was presented and used in the evaluation of:
M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016))"
We provide the associated musical note onset and offset annotations, and the Roomsim[3] configuration files used to generate the multi-microphone recordings [1].
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[1] M. Miron, J. Carabias-Orti, J. J. Bosch, E. Gómez and J. Janer, "Score-informed source separation for multi-channel orchestral recordings", Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2016)
We created a ground truth score, by hand annotating the notes played by the instruments. The annotation process involved gathering the original scores in MIDI format, performing an initial automatic audio-to-score alignment, then manually aligning each instrument track separately with the guidance of a monophonic pitch estimation.
Orchset is intended to be used as a dataset for the development and evaluation of melody extraction algorithms. This collection contains 64 audio excerpts focused on symphonic music. with their corresponding annotation of the melody.
Melody is here defined as “the single (monophonic) pitch sequence that a listener might reproduce if asked to whistle or hum a piece of polyphonic music”.
The dataset creation comprised several tasks: excerpts selection, recording sessions of people singing along with the excerpts, analysis of the recordings and melody annotation. A complete description of the dataset and the creation methodology is presented in this paper:
Bosch, J., Marxer, R., Gomez, E., “Evaluation and Combination of Pitch Estimation Methods for Melody Extraction in Symphonic Classical Music”, Journal of New Music Research (2016)
2016年10月09日 s.o. 様から,「SMF to MP3 with ぼーか郎」に Amazon ギフト券でのご支援がありました.「助かりました。」とのことで,こちらとしても大変励みになりました.いただいたご支援は,サーバ運用や缶コーヒー代などにありがたく使用させていただきます.ありがとうございました.
2016年09月24日 KM 様から,「SMF to MP3 with ぼーか郎」に Amazon ギフト券でのご支援がありました.「とても助かります。」とのことで,こちらとしても大変励みになりました.いただいたご支援は,サーバ運用や缶コーヒー代などにありがたく使用させていただきます.ありがとうございました.
2016年08月13日 かわいそうなギルティ 様から,「SMF to MP3 with ぼーか郎」に Amazon ギフト券でのご支援がありました.MIDI から MP3 への変換に使用されているそうで,「すごく使いやすくてお気に入りです。これからも応援してます!」とのことで,こちらとしても大変励みになりました.ありがとうございました.