Changlog: V3 * Removed rowchange after every opcode the .sfz file should be more human readable for people who'd like to customize things. * Re-export A5v7-15 that had noticeable delay in beginning of file. * Adjusted the velocity at wich notes are triggered. * Increased ampeg_release to 1.000 * Decreased amp_veltrack to 75 * Retuned version by Markus Fiedler * The old V2 .sfz should work so no need to delete it if you like it :) * fixed a missing note
V2: * Re-exported all notes with all lowcut filters removed and eased off some eq on some notes around C4 * Replaced all pedal noise samples, there are now two down and two up samples. * Increased ampeg_veltrack on release harmonics from A0 to C2 * Increased ampeg_release to 0.850 * Introduced a 44.1khz16bit and an ogg vorbis version
2014年03月21日 「sfZed - sfz audio music sample format editor」 sfz 形式の SoundFont を編集できるエディタらしい.これで,「Salamander Grand Piano V2」も編集できるかな? あとで動かしてみよう. にログインすると,オンライン保存されたことが確認できる. 保存直後は,「Your score is being processed. It will automatically be displayed when finished.」と表示されていて処理中であることがわかるので,処理が終わるのを待つ. 処理が終わると,Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest や,任意の Web サイトに埋め込み表示,再生ができるようになる.