
「the Weimar Jazz Database (WJazzD) - a database of currently 135 jazz solo transcriptions」


「The Jazzomat Research Project」

* the Weimar Jazz Database (WJazzD) - a database of currently 135 jazz solo transcriptions including extensive metadata information such as tempo, style, feel, tonality, as well as harmonic and structural information


* the MeloSpy Suite - a collection of command-line tools available for Mac OSX and Windows. It currently bundles 3 applications: *melconv* for converting melodic file formats, *melfeature* for feature extraction (symbolic features can be defined in a modular fashion), and *melpat* for pattern mining


posted by NOIKE at 22:33 | 東京 ☀ | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | コンピュータ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

「AudioLazy: Real-Time Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Package for Python!」


「AudioLazy: Real-Time Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Package for Python!」



Laziness and object representation
There are several tools and packages that let the Python use and expressiveness look like languages such as MatLab and Octave. However, the eager evaluation done by most of these tools make it difficult, perhaps impossible, to use them for real time audio processing. To avoid such eagerness, one can make the calculations only when data is requested, not when the path to the data is given. This is the core idea in laziness that allows:

Real-time application (you don't need to wait until all data is processed to have a result);

Endless data sequence representation;

Data-flow representation;

Task elimination when a reverse task is done: instead of doing something to then undo, nothing needs to be done, and no conscious optimization need to be done for that.

Another difficulty concerns expressive code creation for audio processing in blocks through indexes and vectors. Sometimes, that's unavoidable, or at least such avoidance would limit the power of the system that works with sequence data.

posted by NOIKE at 21:30 | 東京 ☀ | Comment(0) | TrackBack(1) | コンピュータ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする